The cast and crew of the Inner Circle Show, journalists that covered City Hall past and present, are already coming up with possible titles for the 2025 show. With all the recent developments in New York City politics, we couldn’t help ourselves!
Help us choose the next Inner Circle Show title or we’ll be forced to use A.I.!
Which do you like best, and can you suggest any more? No guarantee we will use it, since things could be very different by April’s show.
Please give us your thoughts in the comments below. ( “Turks and Chaos” is taken. We beat everyone to it in our last show.)
Show Titles:
Jumaane or your Life
Oh, Brother Where Art Thou?
Brothers In Harms
Stop, Question & Frisk (The Mayor)
An Indict To Remember
Fed Up
Plea Bargaining With the Stars
de Blasio Made Me To Do It
Pleas, Pleas Me, Oh Yeah
Turks and Chaos, the Sequel
Also for you Beatles Fans: I Should Have Known Better
Ankara man
Whatta Turkey
Pardon my Turkey?
One Term Turkey
Disgracie Mansion
Indictable Me
Marty Markowitz Swore This Was All Legal
Those Dirty Rats Set Me Up
Banksters and Wanksters
Reckless Eric
Collars and Cuffs
The Gang That Couldn’t Think Straight
Getting Bail Posted
Around The World in 80 Daze